Pol Montserrat x Mobles 114

Pol Montserrat decided to devote himself to art after finishing his Graphic Design course at ELISAVA and he soon managed to create his own style and language. Simple shapes created with just a few lines or a patch of colour in Chinese ink on paper, deftly combining different styles but without losing the essence of the piece.


Pol’s work can be seen in Eldorado and Odiseo by Folch Studio, in the Marset lighting catalogues and also at the Hotel El Palauet in Barcelona. For Pol “the key to success is a commitment to projects that goes beyond budgets and clients”.

This year, Mobles 114 has asked Pol to create the illustrations for the two covers of its 2018 Novelties Catalogue, as well as the illustrations for the walls of our stand at the 2018 Milan Trade Fair.

Interviews zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum

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Interviews zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum

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