Artjects: exhibition by Martín Azúa in Vinçon Barcelona

„The designer is the archer aiming at the target (problem) with the desire to hit bulls eye, a place of compromise and balance between the many factors of a project. The artist is another type of archer that shoots the arrow consciously outside of the range, with the will to go and look to what’s beyond the bounds of possibility.“

With this speech, designer Martín Azúa presents his show Artjects at Sala Vinçon Barcelona,  a collection of special objects, which provide unconventional relationships with users, tell and generate stories.

The objects observed in their multiple connections, can be very revealing of how we are and how we could be. Objects have an influence on our behavior, they are active agents and not mere instruments. The rituals that govern these relationships can be as absurd as transcendent.

mobles 114 editions highly recommends this exhibition by the author of designs such as OM armchairs and Flod stool.

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