Torres Clavé 1934
Classic Collection

The architect Josep Torres Clavé designed this armchair in 1934 to furnish the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic at the 1937 International Exhibition in Paris, next to works such as Guernica by Pablo Picasso others by Alexander Calder and Joan Miró. The Torres Clavé armchair takes its inspiration from the traditional chairs of Ibiza. With an oak frame and its seat and back upholstered in traditionally made string, its traditional appearance adds a touch of elegance to spaces in hotels, receptions and waiting rooms, as well as reading areas in libraries and other special areas. A noble, minimalist Mediterranean wooden armchair that adds personality to the home.
It has formed part of the Permanent Collection at Barcelona’s Design Museum since 1994. It’s traditionally made and is one of the iconic pieces in the classics of international design.